Finding my future self — Day 0

3 min readDec 2, 2020

I’m sitting here writing, not because I’ve lost hope, but because i have so much. I am a young ambitious and hungry young man looking not for success but to fulfil the potential I see in myself. I’ve notices these past 18 months that I have lost some of what made me who I am. I was never perfect but i had a sense of mission when i attacked life and through some hardship and rejection i have felt myself slip just that little bit where i can now see two paths materialize infront of me. one of personal fulfilment and accomplishment, and another of brutal mediocrity. There is nothing wrong with being average, if thats what makes you happy. However, seeing some potential of what my life can be is what makes average so painful. In an attempt to set myself up to fulfil the first path, I have decided to do a complete dopamine detox to change the way I percieve life. I want to look at my life and see a challenge and get excited to try, just try. Trying is all i can ask of myself and right now i see habits form that are in the space of self sabbotage. so enough of the personal stuff, i am going to set the rules that i will die by over the next 30 days.

  1. No social media (deleted off my phone & including youtube)
  2. No added sugar (artificial sweeteners) or Processed foods (will be eating mostly bland food like potatoes and spinach)
  3. No coffee (i will allow myself to drink matcha tea without any milk or sweeteners)
  4. No fap (self explanatory)
  5. No dating applications or chasing girls of any kind (if one asks me to hang out i will allow myself to but i will remain strict to my diet and other rules of this period)
  6. No video games or TV
  7. Music only while Driving (try to listen to podcasts instead)
  8. Only water to drink
  9. Daily vitamins
  10. Meditation twice a day (morning and night)
  11. leisure will consist of reading, doing homework, working out, or spending time with family (no TV with them though)

Thats all i have for now but as i go on this journey i will update everyday and might add more restrictions. Im not writing this for anyone to read, i am simply using this as an accountability journal in a sense. Throughout this 30 days i want to change my brain. I want to spend my life growing and being better rather than infront of a phone knowing the potential im wasting away.

